
ISBN: 9786054640560 | | 408 σελίδα, 19x12 cm. | ,

K. P. Kavafis Complete Poems

K.P. Kavafis

Translated by: Ari Çokona

Original price was: ₺160,00.Current price is: ₺112,00. out of stock

On the occasion of the 150th anniversary of his birth and the 80th anniversary of his death, we are glad to see our publication, in which we compiled the translation of Kavafis’s poems directly from the Greek original into Turkish, without resorting to a third language, was received positively. Aiming to add a new layer to the interest in the great poet among the Turkish readers and to present a complete picture of Kavafis to the readers who will meet the poet for the first time, the book K.P. Kavafis – Complete Poems, triggered an interest in reading the poems with their Greek originals as well. Thus, as istos publication, we have decided to publish this anthology in a new bilingual edition. In this book, you will find all the poems published by Kavafis during his lifetime, a detailed presentation of his biography and literary adventure, the history of the poet, and the mythological and rich notes on literary references.